You've launched your product, congratulations! Now it's time to add that successful launch sequence to your email campaign – and build upon it.
At this point I am very aggressive; I'm going to give them a three or four day break and then I will stagger some engagement emails and then some content for a few more days . You could even take the next week and make it a light week. After this, you can start over with another prelaunch.
Again, this is going to depend upon how many products you have. If you have two products, then you may want to send out content and then relaunch your coaching program. After that you may have created another training program and then you could have a third program that you sell three weeks later .
You can repeat the process I outlined here as many times as you want. Now you have this pattern. After this first time you do it you're probably going to wait a little bit before running again. But if you have a ten-day process that you have written out such as three or four or five days of engagement, and then a few days of the launch, you can repeat this two times a month. It's your choice, you could do this just one time a month or you can do it every three weeks.
You can continue to do this into the future. If you create a new product from here you can create brand-new engagement, content, and launch emails to launch the new product. Once you create this new product's campaign then all you have to do is tag this onto the back of your main campaign.
If you have four different products, then you can have four different starting points. For example, let's say a campaign has a training program and a coaching program. Let's say that we have three training programs. You can have the coaching program first, then the training program on days 16 through 26. We could skip 10 days and then we promote training two. From here we can skip 20 days and then promote training number three. Again, there's some flexibility here.
Creating Flexibility for Testing and Optimization
Let's get further into this example. Maybe all of these trainings are in the same sub-niche within your niche but they all address a different need. If you have a different list that has a different set of initial needs, you could start by promoting training one followed by the coaching program. Then you can promote product three and product four etc. If you have another list then you can sequence your products in yet another way. You could and should have as many lists as possible when you're testing out your campaigns . In another list you could start with training four and then move on to training one or training number three and then go to the coaching program.
Here's a quick tip: When you begin to build out your campaigns I recommend building these pieces out as sequences. So instead of having one monster campaign with 150 different emails and it, you could have 4 to 6 email campaigns and then you set automation into it so that when someone finished succession one, then they'll go to sequence two and so on.
In this example, emails 1 through 15 will be Sequence 1. Email 16 through 26 will be Sequence 2. Sequence Three would be another engagement and a launch campaign for training product 2 and so on. In your autoresponder you would have three or more sequences, so, in the future if you decide that you do not like one of your sequences, you can pull one of your sequences out without any problems. All you need to do is stop the routing from one sequence to another. This will give you a great level of control over your business when you find out what is working the best for you.
If you have a monster campaign with 150 different emails and you would like to change things around it's very difficult to do so. Let's put this into an example. Let's say down the road that you have six different sequences, and you currently have them in order from 1 to 6. By having individual sequences in your autoresponder, you can easily take your list from Sequence 1 to Sequence 5 or to Sequence 4 without any problems .
With this model you can easily change this order around, you can split test this order too. You can do all kinds of things with this model.
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