A digital supply chain can be best utilized by transporting smaller quantities of product or batch supply, that enables fast and efficient movement of product to market. Only then based on market sales data, we can continuously improve and adjust the product range to effectively target the market via supply, and drive maximum revenue returns.
In a mobile content supply chain we are not working with a physical product. We do not have to worry about loading the truck, clearing customs, long haul freight across the worlds oceans, and warehousing and storage.
We have it easier. We have an advantage.
With a digital product, and digital supply channels, we do not have to deal with customs, clearance, transport, and are not faced with warehousing and storage issue's. Product can travel to market fast, and we can start to collect valuable sales data, analyze, and then share this information back along the supply chain.
As soon as you know what products are returning revenue, you can adjust your range to suit, targeting the market to maximize your revenue returns.
Digital supply chains cater to a fast product movement to market so long as the supply is delivered in batches. With a smaller batch supply, the supplier can quickly prepare and organize content for despatch. With a smaller batch supply, the retailer can quickly receive the product, integrate it into their platform for sale, and wrap marketing and advertising campaigns to suit.
It just makes sense.
What is important to note, is that in order for a batch supply to work, and a continual adjustment in supply, you also need a supplier that has a library of great depth to accommodate your order and cater to the market demand.
It is a balance. Quality over quantity with depth is key when it comes to your supply partners, and a few good suppliers is much easier to manage than many.
If we make use of a batch supply within a digital supply chain, and a continual adjustment based on sales data, then we can make sure that our retail ranges are focused, targeted and tailor to maximize revenue returns.