A seed launch is simply a launch that is done without an existing list. The goals of a seed launch (other than making some money,) are to build a large and highly responsive list of prospects and customers to gather metrics and conversions on the various pre-launch content and offers. Essentially the marketing plan is for a new product, but as this is in the context of a product launch there are a few key tips that will save you time and money and hopefully accelerate your prospect to customer conversions.
When you develop your strategy to launch a new product one of the first things you should do is develop a good picture in your marketing mind’s eye of who you are selling to. Who is this person who has the problem that you are going to solve with this brand new product? How old are they? Where do they live and who do they live with? Are they married or single? How do they use the internet and what sites do they visit? Do they read any blogs regularly? What social networks do they use? What sort of mobile phone do they have?
You might think that this is the sort of information that you are going to find out during a seed launch. To an extent this is true but you should still approach this process as if you know who you are going to be talking with. You are going to be developing the launch conversation and whilst you might end up changing your mind, about who your ideal customer is, it is essential that you start out with a picture of someone who you believe will benefit from your product and who will be pleased to hear from you.
Once you have the picture of your “customer” in mind you should think about how they can find out about you. Old school marketing would have you bombarding the market with “how great our product is” type messages. In the “2.0” world you need to seek permission from prospective customers to talk with them and that means getting them to approach you. This means writing articles about the problem you are solving and using all your marketing nous to get the material into as many places as possible.
You need to develop some significant giveaways that can be seen to have real value. If you are selling an information product you will need to be prepared to produce reports that go quite a long way to solving the customer problem for free. In a seed launch you are also be looking for customers who will be references for subsequent product launches, so be prepared to be generous in what you offer.
The final tip is to approach a seed launch as a test bed and to use it to gather as many different metrics as possible. Try out four or five sales letters, use different email sequences and some marketers even try different product names, although I think that is too much. This is hopefully the foundation for lots of future launches and what you learn here will be of great value to you in the future.
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