A smartphone is a cellular phone that is really so much more than just a phone. It looks like each year, or even sooner, with the quick way technology advances, more and more features are added to these smartphones. The very first smartphone actually came out in 1992. It was a concept phone, but, it could even send email and fax. Now they can do lots and lots of things. You can surf the web, check your email, and keep up with your friends on various social networks. They have games on them and GPS capabilities, as well.
Smartphones are also great for organizing your life. They have many calendar and scheduling options, calculators, and they also have full address books, in which you can enter multiple details for each entry.
One thing that has proven to be very handy that smartphones have is a camera. People are now able to snap pictures (some even take video) during moments of life that they would not normally have had a camera with them. So we are catching snapshots of life we did not used to see.
There are many different styles of these phones, but, most of them come with a little 'pen', called a stylus, with which to enter information into your phone. And a lot of them come with full miniature 'qwerty' keyboards.
The PDA, electronic personal organizer, was the device that many people had first. Then slowly, the cellular phones began to actually function as PDA's themselves, and now that is what many people have and use every day. A lot of people would be completely lost without their smartphones, which is actually one of the negative things about them. In combining all of our personal devices, we've put ourselves in a pretty bad situation if we lose our smartphones, as we lose all of that information.